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Alternatives to Suspension


When you suspend a student it is very unproductive for their academics, and can have significant consequence or negative stimulus. Providing alternatives to suspensions can be much more effective in getting students behaviors to change.

Direct Application to Tier 3

  • This intervention is used for students when Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions doesn't work.

  • It allows students to learn from their behaviors instead of having them sit at home and taking away their learning.

  • It creates a more positive school environment for the student.

How to use intervention

some common alternatives are:

  • behavior monitoring

  • loss of privileges

  • counseling

  • behavioral contracts

  • offer space for the student to work privately

  • In-School community service programs ex) assisting teaching with preparatory work.


Alternatives To Suspension. PBIS World RSS. (n.d.).

Rosch , J., & Iselin, A.-M. (n.d.). Alternatives to suspension . Child and Family Policy Duke University .

Should We Ban School Suspensions? YouTube. (2019, February 20).



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