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Behavior Contracts


A behavior contract is an agreement between yourself and your student, it outlines the behavioral expectations you and the student have set that they struggle with and will be working on.

Direct application to Tier 3

  • Used when interventions from Tier 1 and 2 don't work for a student

  • Is personalized to one of your students

  • This process builds commitment with the student

  • Motivates student to learn how to self-regulate

How to use Intervention

  • Utilize a daily behavior form, chart, or report card

  • Decide the behavioral problems you want the student to be working on for example (raising their hand in class) the contact may include the goal that they call out less than 3 times a day

  • Put these behaviors on the chat

  • Explain the procedure to the student

  • Rate the student throughout the days

How to use a Behavior Contract


Wright, L. W. (2020, October 22). Behavior Contracts: What You Need to Know. Understood.

Behavior Contract. PBIS World RSS. (n.d.).

How To Use A Behavior Contract in 15-Minutes.wmv. (2010). YouTube.



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