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Counselor Referral


Before getting counseling services for a student you must get written consent and permission from the legal guardian before proceeding with school counseling services.

Direct application to Tier 3

  • Students who need more support and attention that the teacher can not provide are referred to a counselor.

  • increases specificity if interventions and supports and tailors to the student

  • Allows an adult to give a student undivided attention.

How to use Intervention

  • A referral should be considered when you believe a students problem go beyond your own expertise.

  • Some indicators that a student may need this intervention are

    • Declined work participitation

    • prolonged depression

    • violent outbursts

    • noticeable agitation, irritability, aggressiveness.

  • For a planned referral have the student set up a day or days and times to meet with the counselor ahead of time and make sure to remind the student.


“Making a Referral.” Making a Referral • Counseling and Psychological Services • UCF,

“Counselor Referral.” PBIS World RSS,

Crawford , Florentina. “Login.” Teachers Pay Teachers,



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