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Classroom Agenda


Classroom Agendas are daily schedules laid out on the front board for students and teachers to follow along with during their days. Schedules allow a visual for students to know what their day will consist of and a time frame for how long each lesson will be.

" Using a daily schedule and displaying it for students to see can promote time-management, reading skills, writing skills, and leadership in the classroom."

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Using a daily classroom agenda

  • Provides consistency and guidance for yourself and your students.

  • Every student can benefit from learning how to organize information and plan for future events.

  • Promotes reading and writing skills in the classroom.

  • Students may be more motivated to work if they have clear expectations.

How to use Intervention

  • Begin each class period by going over the classroom agenda.

  • Have the agenda at the front of the room.

  • Agenda should be color coded and big enough for the whole class can see

  • Refer to the agenda throughout the day for example after recess refer back to the agenda to remind students of the expectations.


Lewis, N. (2015). Daily agendas: they key to organizing the classroom. Journal on Best Teaching Practices, 2(1), 7–9.



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