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Teaching Routine

"By providing our pupils with a system of well-defined rules, routines and sanctions you will be providing these youngsters with the security they need... and in doing so, you will be providing a firm foundation for learning."


In response to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs "Safety Needs" are number two on the hierarchy. Having a routine on a consistent bias in your classroom fills the students safety needs in your classroom. Anything you do in your classroom should be a set routine starting when they walk into the door to start the day, when they transition from activity to activity, and line up for recess, specials or lunch.

Direct application to Tier 1

  • All students can benefit from daily routines in the classroom

  • Routines minimize misbehavior

How to use Intervention

Routines should be used...

  • When students are working in small groups

  • When the class is having a discussion

  • When students are taking a test

  • When students are making presentations

  • When students enter and leave class room

  • during transitions

How to teach routine

  • model expectations

  • practice expectations

  • practice routines daily before they become a 2nd nature

Routine Visuals

Having visuals in your classroom of routines can be a very helpful reminder to students to reference to throughout the day.


Dixie, G. (2007). Managing your classroom 2nd edition. ProQuest Ebook Central

Classroom Routines and Procedures for Elementary Checklist. (n.d.).



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