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Peer Tutoring


Using this intervention creates a safer less embarrassing and intimidating climate for students to ask for questions, express misunderstandings ect. this also helps students foster trusting friendships with their peers.

How it directly appears to Tier 3

  • Using this intervention helps students who need frequent one on one help.

  • helps a student is frequently distracted and inattentive.

How to use Intervention

  • Choose a responsible student to be a peer tutor and explain to them what they will and will not be doing

    • Will not be doing all of the work of the assigned student they are helping

    • keep the focus on the work and assignment

    • model proper behaviors like listening, raising hand for help, and asking questions.

  • peer tutors should be those who are capable of working with others well and who grasp the concepts well enough to explain to others.


Peer Tutoring. PBIS World RSS. (n.d.).



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