Structured Time Out
Using a structured time out is an effective method to adress a students behacior, this type of intervention is easy to set up and implement and provides a sstudent with a consistent and predicitable consequence that is structures and always the same procedure.
Direct Application to Tier 3
Use with a student who exhibits recent behavior problems and disruptions
Can be used when the student does not respond to other consequences
Helps a student when they have a hard time calming down or settling in a timely manner.
How to use Intervention
Implement an in-class time out
Choose a specific spot in the class room make sure it willa always be the same spot
create a relaxing enviornment with a seat or table for the student to sit at.
Provide a timer to measure the amount of time they will be there
implement rules for taking the time out ex) no talking to other students, do deep breathing exercises.
provide fidgets or sensory items for the student.
Time Out (Structured Time Out). PBIS World RSS. (n.d.).