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Assignment Checklist


An assignment checklist breaks directions down into step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow. This can be used for any assignment, project or study program and for larger assignments a checklist can breakdown the assignment into various due dates.

Direct Application to Tier 2

  • Creating a step by step instructional check list can benefit many students in the classroom who struggle with organization or need help with time management

  • Makes tasks feel more manageable to the student

  • This intervention is function based and students can choose if they want to use it or not.

How to use Intervention

  • Incorporate this intervention into the students daily ritual at school.

  • Use this intervention with any assignment by creating a checklist the student will follow.

  • The checklist can be typed directly on the assignment sheet or be given as a separate sheet of paper

Example of a checklist that you can implement for your students


“Chunking: Breaking Tasks into Manageable Parts.” ThoughtCo,

“Student Assignment Checklist: FREEBIE: Work Completion: Organization Template.” Teachers Pay Teachers,



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