Reward Systems

Reward systems helps reinforce positive behaviors and expectations and provides students with positive feedback. This intervention improves behaviors and academics by providing a visual and concrete reason for students to work towards their behavioral and academic goals. Rewards provide students with motivation to engage in the appropriate behaviors during the school day and is a win-win for all parties involved.
Direct application to Tier 2
Used for when a student demonstrates low motivation, effort, or interest
Used for an impulsive student
When students have frequent incomplete and missing work
How to use Intervention
There are many different ways you can use reward systems what is common in the interventions is praise when they're is good behavior.
Give students some choices of different types of reward systems and have them choose which one is their favorite.
They earn privileges for meeting expectations
Great website for many different types of Reward Systems
Below is an example of a very popular and creative reward system on teacher TikTok!
Reward Ideas. Teaching Ideas. (n.d.).
Kittredge, A. (2020). Reward system.