Check in - Check Out

Check-in Check-Out is used when a student is showing behavioral problems, and doing little to no work in class.
This approach internalizes success and accomplishment of goals for students.
This intervention helps students monitor and assess their behavior.
Direct application to Tier 2
CICO is personalized to the student and what their behavioral goals are
CICO is implemented if no strategies from Tier 1 worked
Provides structure for the student and holds them accountable for their behavior throughout the day.
How to use Intervention
The required student will check in with an adult every morning (this adult does not have to be the teacher) to receive a goal sheet and encouragement. Throughout the day teachers will be providing feedback on the goal sheet and give it to the student at the end of the day. After students receive back their goal sheet they check back in with their adult and bring it home to be signed returning the next ,morning for check in.
Example of Check-In Check-Out worksheet

Check In Check Out (CICO). PBIS World RSS. (n.d.).
Campbell, A., & Anderson, C. M. (2011). CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT: A SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION AND COMPONENT ANALYSIS. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44(2), 315-26. Retrieved from
Login. Teachers Pay Teachers. (n.d.).