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Sensory Tools


Some students behaviors are due to sensory issues, to help with this sensory tools can be implemented such as a fidget. Providing students with the sensory stimulation they need can increase productivity and improve focus.

Direct application to Tier 2

  • Helpful to students with ADD/ADHD

  • Helpful with students on the Autism spectrum

  • Can help students who need assistance with getting ready to focus and help to complete their work.

How to use Intervention

  • Pencil grips

  • Pencil toppers

  • weighted lap animal

  • fidget toys

  • rubber cushion for their chair

  • resistance band around legs of chair

  • Calm lighting

Great website for fidget tools and sensory items!


Sensory Tools. PBIS World RSS. (n.d.).

Mauro , T. (2020, May 29). School Tools for Children With Special Needs . verywellfamily .

Home. Therapy Shoppe. (n.d.).



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