Structured Breaks

Structured breaks throughout the school day provide students with an opportunity to recharge and refresh to avoid burnout and disengagement throughout the day. These breaks give students the sensory input they need and allows them to get up and move.
Direct application to Tier 2
Universal to all students no matter the behavior.
This intervention is applicable to all students but not all depending on the behavioral needs of each student.
Having this intervention makes staying on task more manageable by allowing them to have structured breaks they know that if they work for x amount of time they will receive a break.
How to use Intervention
Teachers should set times throughout the day that allows students to stand up and move around and have a "brain break" Using activities like GoNoodle is a great way to give students the choice to pick what they would want to do.
Allow a student to leave the room to go for a walk or get a drink of water if they are becoming very overwhelmed or frustrated.
Create a list of ideas with students of different forms of brain breaks they can have ex) putting head down, getting a drink of water, walking to the quiet corner in the room to sit and relax. When the student needs to engage in one of these breaks Have a timer set for 5 minutes that allows the student to have a 5 minute break to disengage and partake in whatever they would like to do to calm them down.
GoNoodle exercise example
Breaks. PBIS World RSS. (n.d.).
Fabio's Meatball Run - Moose Tube: GoNoodle. (2019). YouTube.