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Teach Relaxation Techniques


Students can become very overwhelmed during the school days very easily, teaching relaxation techniques in your classroom can helps refocus and refresh students. This intervention provides students a way to manage and control their emotion and has positive physiological benefits, like improved blood flow, oxygen levels, and endorphin levels, as well as decreased cortisol or “stress hormone” levels.

Direct application to Tier 2

  • Used for when a student is having a bad day

  • When a student appears to be uncomfortable

  • When you see a student becoming frustrated

How to use Intervention

  • Practice relaxation techniques for students

    • Count to 10

    • deep breathing

    • Write in journal

    • Color

    • Draw

    • Read

    • Listen to calming music

    • Take a break

  • Teach student how to implement these techniques when they become overwhelmed and stressed.

Example of a breathing exercise you can teach your students


Teach Relaxation Techniques. PBIS World RSS. (n.d.).

Rainbow Breath - Flow: GoNoodle. (2016). YouTube.



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